Wednesday, August 26, 2009

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

If the foundation of referral marketing is in GIVING, then its' pillars are built on TRUST.

I look upon the members of my chapter in a different light now. Each one of them has put their dreams in my hands. They are trusting me to care for their business as I do my own. It is now upon me to assure them that I am worthy of that trust.

I am no longer swimming with sharks. Within the BNI family there is no room for a dog eat dog mentality. Instead the analogy used by our Regional Director, VK at the recent launch of BNI Leaders epitomizes what TRUST means in a network like this.

We are like a flock of migratory geese looking for land rich with food. We each have our part to play in the V flight formation. No one can just do nothing and try to get a free ride. You will just crash yourself. We each have to flap our wings and fly the right way so our flock gets to our destination. No one has a bigger or lesser role, just the one role; To be trustworthy and committed to our flock.

We literally are the wind beneath each others' wings.

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